What is a Tactile Character?

Answer: Tactile characters are designed to be read by touch, and should not have abrasive or sharp edges. They are used to help the impaired and disabled with laws such as ADA (American with Disabilities Act)

What is different between visual characters and tactile characters?

Answer: Visual readers need different strokes with characters, such as upper, lower, large, and even bold. Tactile readers benefit with characters that are smaller and have thin beveled edges to be read by touching.

For ADA signage, using a combination of visual, tactile, and braille lettering is the widespread policy of most government, scholar, and corporate signs. This may require you making

You can ready more from the United States Access Board regarding the ADA Law on tactile signage – https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/buildings-and-sites/about-the-ada-standards/ada-standards/chapter-7-communication-elements-and-features

One thought on “What is a Tactile Character?

  1. Alec Burns

    It’s good that you point out that braille signs are useful for conveying information to blind people. I want to start a business soon, and I want to make sure the building includes braille signs for blind people. I’m going to look for a good maker of braille signs from which to buy some.

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